As per the chronicles, the city was founded in the late X-th century at the bank of the Klyazma river and was named in honor of the Kiev Grand Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich, who was also called Vladimir the Saint, Baptizer of Russia, Red Sun of Russia (in legends). Archeologists consider the beginning of the XII-th century to be the real time of the city foundation and consider Vladimir Monomakh to be its initiator. In the XIII-th century the son of Yury Dolgoruky transfers the capital of Russia from Kiev to Vladimir. For more than 250 years the city played important role in the history of Russia as the Old Russian capital. Vladimir is also called the gates to “Zolotoye Koltso” of Russia. The defensive walls and the main city gates called Golden Gates (constructed in 1164), as well as Uspensky cathedral with frescos by Andrei Rublyov and the Palace church of Vsyevolod III, named Dmitriyevsky Cathedral (constructed in 1194) with magnificent facade white stone fretwork have been preserved as the evidence of the past might and beauty of the Old Russian capital of the XI-XIII-th centuries.